Welcome to York Ventures!

York Ventures offers Online Marketing services, Electrical Engineering Consulting services, and sells Domain Names.  York Ventures also sells products online via Amazon, utilizing their fulfillment network, called Fulfillment by Amazon or FBA.  This means that all of the products customers purchase from us thru Amazon are shipped by Amazon and are eligible for the free 2 day shipping for Prime customers.  Our Amazon seller name is Maxx Buy which has it’s own website MaxxBuy.com.

For information on my experience and expertise in Electrical Engineering see my Linked In Profile.  The types of online marketing offered are Affiliate Marketing, small businesses marketing, and e-commerce marketing.  The online marketing traffic may come from social media(paid and viral), search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, Pay Per View (PPV), or various forms of media buying.

Online Marketing

The business started out and continues to work in affiliate marketing, which promotes products and services from companies that are available to a wide audience like nationwide or internationally.  Some of the brands promoted can be seen on this pageLearn more about affiliate marketing including some of the affiliate networks supported.

Local Businesses

York Ventures helps local business grow by marketing them online.  Local businesses can boost sales and grow by reaching potential customers online with the products or services they offer.  Some of the small businesses that have been helped include Todd’s Electrical Contractor Business, Diane’s Advertising Business and her client Pawn Big, Emily’s Music Business, Chris’s DJ Business, and Jan’s Medical Billing Business.  Boku Super Foods is a small businesses in Ventura that that sells health supplements.  If you have a local business and would like help promoting it with online marketing, please contact me to see how I can help you.

Website Development and Social Media

Websites have been generated to provide useful information about products and services available that include affiliate links to offers.  Some websites have been developed to provide information and offers related to specific topics via email after capturing email address from prospective customers.  Some of the websites that have been developed by York Ventures for the purposes of affiliate marketing are:

Additional Social Media accounts (primarily Facebook fan pages) have been developed for specific interests and they can be used to generate traffic for online marketing.  Here are some of them:

  • FishingILove Facebook Fan Page was developed to generate traffic and arouse interest in fishing and gear related to fishing.  Fishing related pages have also been generated on Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter.  Social media accounts were generated using the name GetGear Sports that promote fishing and other sports like hunting with accounts on Facebook and YouTube.
  • Tribute to Leonard Nimoy posts information, pictures, and videos that Leonard Nimoy and Star Trek fans may like.
  • PersonalFinanceInfo gives daily tips to help people manage their personal finances.
  • Disney fan page gives some content that lovers of Disney movies and theme parks will like.
  • Effects of wind turbines on people looks at the side effects of wind turbines located near homes and businesses.  It looks at the potential negative impacts and safety concerns of wind energy generation.
  • This Destination California Facebook fan page has some travel information about California.

Domain Names

Domains are virtual real estate and can be very valuable.  They can appreciate over time.  York Ventures offers several Domain Names for sale.  For more information about domains see this page.

Business Structure and Other Ventures

York Ventures was founded in Ventura, CA in 2014.  In the spring of 2016 it was given an award as the best small marketing business in Ventura, CA.  In 2022 the owner moved to Florida.

York Ventures registered in Ventura County, CA.  The business was established with the intent of offering online marketing and electrical engineering consulting services.  The Consulting branch of the business offers electrical engineering consulting services to support electronics.  I had a contract to perform electrical engineering services for my former employer but that contract has lapsed.  See my Linked-In profile for my background and experience at linkedin.com/in/wayork.

Have a great day!  Blessings!

Bill York
P.S. You can find me all over social media with the icons below at the bottom right.  Some profiles are strictly business and others are a hybrid of business and personal.

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